Monsignor Melchor Sanchez de Toca
Pontifical Council for Culture
Monsignor Melchor Sanchez de Toca is under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture and board director of the Sport at the Service of Humanity Foundation. Born in Jaca, Spain, Msgr. Melchor is a priest of the archdiocese of Toledo, Spain, from 1993.
International activities include:
- Studied philosophy at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, then theology at the Studium Theologicum “San Ildefonso” in Toledo. In 2006, he completed his Doctorate in Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome with a thesis on the relations between faith and culture in the contemporary church.
- From 1999, he has worked in the service of the Holy See at the Pontifical Council for Culture as undersecretary, focusing on a number of key initiatives including the dialogue between Faith and Science, as well as, inter-connection of Faith and Sport.
- In October 2016, under Msgr. Melchor’s leadership–with the blessings of His Holiness Pope Francis and the authority of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture–“Sport at the Service of Humanity: The First Global Conference on Faith and Sport” was held at The Vatican, successfully launching a global movement that harnesses the power of faith and sport to change the world.